The Davis Square Design Charrette

The Davis Square Design Charrette will be underway Monday September 9th through Wednesday September 11th. The Design Team, which includes City Staff and a selection of consultants, will be activating a currently vacant storefront at 377 Summer Street and transforming the space into a design studio and meeting hall for the event. Schedule of Events: Download the Stakeholder

10 Principles for Station Area Planning

The arrival of transit service to a previously under-served neighborhood brings with it a number of environmental, economic, and social benefits. Cities have learned to steer investment attracted to the efficiencies of transit by creating strategic, actionable plans for station area neighborhoods. These plans are essential to maximize quality-of-life benefits for local residents and the business

We’re Live!

Welcome to the new Somerville by Design website! Feel free to still visit our old page on the City website (here), but make sure to bookmark this page for all the latest information on the Somerville by Design project carried out by the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development. Somerville by Design began

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